Based on many years of experience and production capabilities, HOKE S.C. carries out comprehensive prefabrication of switchgears, cabinets, boxes, etc. used in power engineering, automation, industry, etc. Prefabrication of enclosures is carried out on the basis of the documentation provided by the customer, while adhering to all the requirements, quality standards and technical specification.
In our activity, we use all the solutions available on the market, cooperating with various manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and devices. We carry out prefabrication based on our own enclosures as well as those from other manufacturers, such as Rittal, ZPAS, Agmar, etc.
We issue the necessary documents confirming compliance with quality and technical standards required by Polish law for ready prefabricated products.

Station cabinets

Control and relay cabinets

Auxiliaries enclosures

Measuring cabinets

Telemechanics and signalling cabinets

LV switchgears

Intermediate and control cabinets